Michael Spikes, is the director of the News Literacy Digital Resource Center and the head of Chicago programming for the Center for News Literacy. He is currently responsible for the management and running of the Digital Resource Center, a multimedia
portal for all things related to teaching our model of teaching News Literacy, and assists in efforts to bring News Literacy training to interested parties online.

Michael is also leading an effort to integrate Stony Brook’s News Literacy concepts into the formation of Civic courses in institutions around in the state of Illinois, assisting teachers at both the high school and the college level.

Michael first was introduced to News Literacy as a media studies teacher in the Washington DC Public Schools in 2010, as part of that year’s Summer Institute for Teachers. He joined the Center full time in 2012, and has been based in the Chicago area since 2014.

Before joining the Center, Michael spent 8 years in the public and charter school systems of Washington DC and the Maple Heights City School systems. He was also the project coordinator and producer of Youth Voices, a radio production training program run out of WAMU, Washington DC’s NPR affiliate.